Back pain, consult the doctor

If back pain, go to the doctor – the question of interest to a lot of people in dealing with an unpleasant Problem. Especially with increasing age, pain in the back appears more and more to solve if this is a Problem. You can draw a different character: sharp, yelp,. If it is "terrible" feeling, the feeling of discomfort, a Person's thoughts, to be in pain, to contact the doctor to help with this disease back. First of all, disassemble the main causes of such a condition. Only an experienced doctor can make the correct diagnosis on the basis of careful investigation, the results of the analyses of the investigations carried out

Back pain

Causes of back pain

We consider the main causes of pain:

  1. Diseases are (herniated discs).
  2. Curvature of the spine.
  3. Pleural effusion.
  4. Tumorous Formation.
  5. Problems with the kidneys.
  6. Various problems in connection with the internal organs.

All of the above variants, the reasons for the insistence of the patients, thinking about it, go to the doctor, if the back hurts. Not worth it, resulting in a serious obstacle to get the help of a real professional in the field of medicine. Remember that without immediate treatment, the miracle did not happen, so it is necessary as quickly as possible to the doctor. You don't have to do this, especially to the problems in this area started to be repeated and strengthened with time. You some situations, (for ignorance of the correct diagnosis) deterioration: cooling; lifting of weighty items; infection

If you have a chronic disease and in addition back pain, to treat what doctor to – this question must be simple, make an appointment with your doctor. Various pathologies, pain of various kinds, to take account of this then can cause. For example, you have pain in the Moment, then this can doctor to inflammation, in need of help-neurologist.

To consult the doctor if the back pain and stinging sensations? This Problem tract can occur due to several pathologies of the respiratory tract or urogenital. In such a Situation, to assist the urologist or the lung doctor can be. Stab in the back can also help for the reason that the man has the back, if the back hurts, the doctors-neurologists.

The question, to what doctor to consult if the back doesn't hurt, if you know. Wertebrolog is a doctor, Student, study, Dorne, and his pathologies. They will examine you carefully and the overall picture of the disease.

Do you have pain sciatica or back, herniated disc and back pain which the doctor needs in this Situation? Here, an experienced neurologist will help you. He may also have inflammation of determine process.

What is the consult a doctor if the back pain lumbar in women? To the woman doctor, such complaints can ectopic pregnancy or inflammation of the reproductive organs. In addition, even a completely healthy pregnancy, the main could be the cause for the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region.

If constant back pain, the taking of appropriate medication only the attending physician, the correct diagnosis was on the basis of the obtained findings, analyses.can prescribe

After a fall from height, accident back doctor pain examine it carefully, do not hesitate with the visit to the specialist. Otherwise, the consequences can be if serious enough. If a man suffered serious injuries here, and don't think too long is an urgent need to call an ambulance. This is the only right decision.

Severe pain in the back which doctor can help to deal with the phenomenon? If you don't know who to contact, log on to the recording for the internist. The sooner you come to the doctor, the faster you will be able to get rid of the disease, it has bothered for a long time.

If the neurologist is not diagnosed, but still have pain in the back which doctor treated where to turn? You log in for the reception to the urologist. The cause of the problem might be sick, a Signal, poorly working kidneys.

An unexpected, sudden back pain doctor, helps to eliminate, but it takes a while, you need to click on the more detailed exploration of the body and the exact results of the analyses.

One of if you nutrients an endocrinologist — the doctor treating back pain in connection with a lack of micro, where calcium, for example, hurry up to come to him and receive recommendations.

Causes of pain

In the case, to apply if, as a result of Arthritis, or arthritis pain in the back which doctor? In this Situation, an experienced rheumatologist will help you. He carefully connective examined tissue. Strong back pain where to turn? Of course, you need to hurry up and make an appointment with a doctor in the clinic, you can trust your health to a professional. Let them no longer concerned about the question of back pain-which the doctor is required, the medical center will help you for sure, recommend that you contact an experienced narrow specialists.

If you suspect that you have to go over the old injuries, pain in the back to the doctor? Here you will find carefully examine a trauma surgeon, he explores the past problems, maybe she is frustrated the back, hard.

Back pain, back pain whom in this Situation? You log on to an oncologist, because of the complaints (back pain) can be a Tumor as benign and malignant character. To delay is not worth it on a experienced.

So, if you have a question, back pain go to the doctor, just log-in first with the therapist, he will guide you to a specialist (neurologist, urologist, endocrinologist).

If the back hurts, the doctor to be treated

On the question, to what doctor to consult if the back hurts, the answer is clear, an experienced. Of course, if you for the first time faced with such a Problem, until then, no one asked no diagnosis, then you need to make an appointment with the therapist, a General practitioner. Only after this the doctor examine you carefully, asks a few questions to you. may the advice of other specialists If the back hurts the reception of the doctors required it to be:

  1. Doctor-Neurologist.
  2. The doctor - urologist.
  3. Gynecologist.

Each of the above-mentioned specialists carefully examine you and prescribe the appropriate investigation to be sure an accurate diagnosis. Of further treatment depends.

If you are in constant pain back to the doctor to ask for advice and recommendations. If the cause is in the position of the spine, then you will be a true professional in this field, experienced wertebrolog. In the case when there is a pinched nerve, nerve tissue appeared irritated inflammatory process, then you need to take a look in the office of the neurologist. But, if the main problem lies in the condition of the internal organs, then you need to go to a cardiologist.


In order to determine the causes for the arising of pain, not just the visit to the doctor, but also a number of additional studies, without which it is impossible to provide a complete picture of the problem situation. Each patient can be assigned to:

  1. Radiography of the spine.
  2. Analysis of blood and urine.
  3. Uzi tazobedrennih of the joints.

Through these analyses, some diseases can be ruled out and the correct diagnosis is made.

Methods of treatment of back pain

Developed a few methods for pain control:

  1. The Manual Therapy.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Massage.

In difficult cases, impossible, without surgical intervention. In addition, for the treatment of specific, planned to be a doctor, requires medication. They help to reduce the sensation of pain. Physiotherapeutic treatments are also not less efficient method for the liberation of unpleasant pain. In the case of the availability of financial means are able to afford in the mud Resorts relax.

Thus, only an integrated approach will help to quickly and efficiently cope, with pain in the back. Do not neglect the recommendations of an experienced doctor, only a professional on the basis of their experience, knowledge prescribe, which can help to avoid the negative consequences.


If you do not want to collide with painful sensations in the back area, it is important to pay attention to the following important and easily actionable tips:

Treatment and prevention
  1. Need to sleep on a sufficiently elastic beds are not too soft mattress.
  2. They always maintain the correct posture, follow the information point.
  3. Not a long time in the same Position (especially if it's uncomfortable for you). If you are working on your Computer, then you make frequent small breaks to move in which you will be able to stretch.
  4. Properly set up your job, everything must be as it is comfortable and convenient: it is imperative that you take a chair with a hard back, it is best if it has armrests, a headrest (this helps you a little, tilt the head and relax tense muscles). Remember that your arms should be fully on the table, and not somewhere in limbo in the air.

Girl has great attention to high-heeled shoes, you don't have to walk in these shoes for more than two hours per day Do not make sharp turns or inclines, avoid such unexpected loads. In the case, if you are from the ground, lifting a certain item, it is best to have a little sit down and to cope with the task, to bend. In addition, if for any reason you are longer period of time, for example, a couple of hours in public transport, then surely you can find a leg to stand on, you resort to easy. Follow your own weight, extra pounds have a negative effect on the health of your body. Apply moderate to rule. This has a positive impact on your condition. Swim and Fitness also play a significant role in the self-concern.